Join the Gold Rush

You may benefit from the Transparent Gold industry by being a “trader” or a “miner” (“investor” or “producer”, same below).

Since our currency trading is based on energy, the unit used here is different from all other existing forms of currency trade.  The smallest unit of our trade is based on “watt * day”, exchangeable with any local currency.  You may check your utility bill to figure out how much a “watt * day” worth on average in your country or region.  For instance, since the average electricity cost in US is 12 cents per Kilowatts * hours, 100 watt * day is worth about 28 cents in US Dollar currently.

As a gold “trader” or “investor”, you profit return comes from productions of gold mines that are built all around the world.  Early traders will find it difficult to withdraw cash or conduct transaction, but their return will be enormous.  Later traders will find it much easier to liquidate holdings or pay with the currency, but their returns and profits would be much less.

As a gold “miner” or “producer”, your profit derives from the energy that you can produce and the franchise opportunities or trade association membership that you can sell as the industry matures.  Similar to the scenario for the traders, for earlier joined miners, it would be harder to cash in, but the return and profit margins would be huge.  Later joined miners would enjoy higher efficiency in production of the transparent gold, but their profits would be much less comparing to their investments spent in time and labor.

One can make investments as either a trader or a miner, or as half an investor + half a miner, but with no other options.  Investment as either “Investor” or “Producer” can be made in the following quantities:



Gold Brick  —  5,000,000 —  watt * day  —  invest

Gold Bullion  —  500,000 watt * day  —   invest

Gold Coin  — 50,000 watt * day  —  invest

Gold Dust  —  5,000 watt * day  —  invest


Gold Brick  —  5,000,000 —  watt * day  —  power a community

Gold Bullion  —  500,000 watt * day  —   power hundreds of homes

Gold Coin  —  50,000 watt * day  —  power ten homes

Gold Dust  —  5,000 watt * day  —  power a home