Quantum energy reactors – site selection criteria

The key of increasing energy conversion efficiency is to cause chain reactions。Nuclear energy reactors cause chain reactions to accumulate energy along space dimensions,being explosive,but the generated energy could be difficult to control and could be unsuitable for domestic use immediately.

We are advocating the usage of quantum energy reactor here, which cause chain reactions to accumulate energy along the time dimension. This form of reactors have the advantage of low initial cost, short return and break even period. Plus, generated energy can be immediately suitable for domestic use, making renewable energy clean, quiet, and noninvasive.

Best of all, energy products from quantum energy reactor can be treated as a form of energy capital for the future reinvestment. Thus, like the operation of rolling snow ball, causing avalanche or “domino effects” and “butter fly effects”, small quantum energy reactors can beget more and bigger reactors. Such phenomenon in itself is a chain reaction in a larger scale.

Economic Incentives

  • labor intense industries
  • renewable energy friendly areas
  • energy hunger businesses
  • areas lack of clean drinking water
  • areas with smog and heavy air pollution
  • areas with low employment
  • areas with high illiteracy rates
  • areas with high poverty rates
  • areas needing manufacturing industries
  • areas lack of resources
  • areas combating desertification
  • areas promoting international trade

Engineering Considerations

  • tall buildings,possessing higher potential energy
  • large capacity water towers,serving as large capacitor
  • well designed plumbing and drainage systems
  • optimum occupancy rates
  • adaptive to engineering and improvement projects
  • large input/output capacity from the existing grid
  • easy to configure on/off grid switches
  • ease to implement island protection improvements and planning
  • proximity to construction suppliers
  • proximity to generator suppliers
  • proximity to inverter suppliers
  • possibility of being energy storage for existing solar or wind energy farms

The future of wind energy

The future of wind energy does not rest upon the blades of large scaled turbines, but maybe much more promising with quantum scaled wind quanta. After all, “wind” and “rain” are like “electricity” and “magnetism” – there could be an induction of wind by rain or water flow. A “chain reaction” of water circulation can inhale/exhale a gust of continuous blowing wind. Considering the density of water is 1000 time the density of air, such invisible wind is surprisingly strong, and store a lot of energy..

Quantized Atmospheric Pneumatic Energy Source

Is controlled fusion necessary ?

Comparing energy conversion efficiency