Our Smart Contract – labor and capital

Since we don’t believe in burning massive amount of investment in developing something users may or may not need later, we will not develop small scaled smart contract platform until we have excessive amount of capital and have done more focus group researches. However, our entire trading platform is a massive scaled smart contract that is trying to distribute energy wealth among laborer and capitalists with balance.


Large part of the 20th century can be described as an ideological struggle between capitalism and socialism: who and how should people be rewarded for the wealth generated by countries and societies?  History has proven that arguments from both sides had flaws and merits.  We want to take a simple approach here: to award labor and capital equally, with a unified energy units in “power” times “time” (such as: watt * hour, or watt * day).


The weighted average is calculated by the following equation:

Exchangeable Gold on the Currency Market = Investment from Traders * (number of miner / (number of miner + number of trader) )

+ Production from Miners * (number of investor / (number of miner + number of trader) )


The above smart contract (equation) will ensure equal participation in the labor and capital market, equal emphasize of the face value and underwriting value of a currency, and steady production of energy – transparent gold – therefore the trustworthiness of the product and the market.

The total wealth will benefit miners as utility and commodity, and also benefit investors as dividends based on portion of their shares in the investment pool.  The “trading” blockchain would serve like a traditional income statements and “mining” blockchain would serve as something similar to today’s balance sheet.

Three Pillars of Cryptocurrency


To see the current market value and state of transparent gold production, follow this link.