A New Industry

From Atomic energy to Quantized energy, from material world to digital world, one or two inventions are not enough to build an industry. Therefore, here comes a few more, once pneumatic power sources are understood to be equally, if not more, effective and user-friendly comparing to electrical power sources.

Quantum Energy Mining Equipment

Quantum Energy Reactor

Quantum Voyagers

Quantum Flyers

Residential Power Stations

Fitness Gym Power Stations

Hydroponic Systems meet Quantum Energy Power Generator

Breathing Automobile

Tai Chi Boat – Household Controlled Chain Reaction

History to Humanity: The Joke is On You

At the beginning of the 17th century, Newcomen Engine was invented. People also called it Newcomen Steam or Atmospheric Engine, because it was powered by “steam” in one stroke and “atmosphere” in another.

Decades later, the famous Watt Steam Engine was invented, which made improvements to power both strokes of the engine by “steam” instead of “atmosphere”. The rise of Watt Steam Engine started an industrial revolution, which brought about the rise of fossil fuels as the primary energy sources in human history for the next hundreds of years.

Had the improvements be made went another direction, instead of letting both strokes of the engine being powered by “steam”, let both strokes being powered by “atmosphere”, what would have happened?

If that indeed had happened, we would not be debating whether 100% renewable energy is possible in many countries and regions today. Nor would we be dealing with the problem of so many young people protesting on climate change and environmental issues. . .

Legend has it, Napoleon Bonaparte viewed history as “a set of lies, agreed upon”. If we personify history with a human form, history is not only a liar but a humorous prankster too. At one juncture in the progression of humanity, history must have smiled and waved to humanity, humbly pointing out one direction, while muttering politely: “this way please” with a deadpan face, while uncontrollably smirking inside, “the joke is on you!”