Upward Mobility 101

Quantized Atmospheric Pneumatic Energy Source

The quantum theory includes great concepts such as “discrete”, “tiny package”, “duality”, “symmetry” etc.

Upward mobility of air bubble is dependent upon downward gravity of heavier “air” – water droplets. Just like within a siphon, water can go both “up” and “down”, in a custom made Tai Chi Siphon, falling water can lift rising water upwards.

<falling | rising > motions belong to the one and the same movement cycle in a dual vector space time. To achieve upward mobility, and convert/extract energy withing the process, one can arrange wind-and-rain induction (just like electromagnetic induction) in the following ways:

  1. push
  2. pull
  3. leverage
  4. capacitor
  5. expansion

Good luck generating power anytime and anywhere.